Why attorney’s are important for a DUI arrest

An officer has been dismissed for incorrectly arresting innocent people for DUI. Officer Jacob Wood arrested many utterly innocent people, according to Fox 5 News.

Every individual that former officer Wood arrested was found not guilty before the court. However, by the time this was figured out, these individuals’ lives were ruined because it took so long. On every arrest, former officer Wood said that each individual had all the clues on the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus portion of the field sobriety test and did not perform well on the Walk and Turn and the One Leg Stand portion of the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests.

Some attorneys are trained alongside these officers or have even more training. Reasonable attorneys can spot issues in a DUI case not only with the fields but also with Articulable suspicion, probable cause, case law problems, and character issues with witnesses.

For example- After the stop and the “interrogation” by the police, you now find yourself being read something off the back of a card out of the officer’s pocket. At the end, the officer asks for a breath test, which you consent to. Afterward, when the officer doesn’t get the desired result, he tells you you’re taking a blood test. But wait! The officer didn’t re-read the implied consent. This means that there is an opportunity to suppress the testing in its entirety. Which in turn means that there is an opportunity to prevent this DUI from ruining the rest of your life.

If the police have accused you of driving under the influence, then you need help from a trained DUI attorney. If you don’t want to face the court alone or feel that you need help from an attorney, give our office a call regarding your citations. There are facts to every case where defenses can be raised for anyone charged with driving under the influence. Each situation differs from the other and requires evaluating all the information to properly mount a defense and effectively negotiate with the prosecutor’s office.

Remember that every case is different because no two facts are identical. Proper application of not just the law but also case law to your situation would take an examination of the facts surrounding your case and create an adequately mounted defense for YOUR arrest.

Our office has 24-hour response lines and can answer and help with your questions. Give our team of lawyers a call at 404-445-8494. We can help you mount a proper defense for your situation.


AJC: https://www.ajc.com/news/crime–law/cops-dui-suspect-stole-ambulance-for-joyride-before-robbing-walgreens-athens/n8XXKo2hENfxaB6VzQdG6M/

Michael D Barber
Georgia Lawyer specializing in DUI, Drug Charges & Criminal Defense